Tani-Ha Shito-Ryu Kofukan Karate-do Information Site


Sensei Omi and Sensei Tomiyama

Welcome to Kofukan information centre. This site is dedicated to the activity of Kofukan International. We aim to provide the most up-to-date information about the courses, national Kofukan associations, competitions and to spread the word about our style and the way of training.

This site also provedes a platform for all Kofukan members to keep everyone updated through Twitter, FaceBook and other social media tools.

The most up-to-date information from around the world

These news items are supplied through Twitter @kofukan If you like to insert this app into your website please follow the instructions given on resources page.

Kofukan Associations

Kofukan International
Kofukan England Join our group on FaceBook
Kofukan Scotland Group on FaceBook
Kofukan Norway
Kofukan France
Kofukan Russia
Kofukan Denmark
Kofukan Portugal
Kofukan India Group on FaceBook
Kofukan Bulgaria Group on FaceBook
Kofukan Canada
Kofukan South Africa
Kofukan Swizerland
Kofukan Sweden
Kofukan Slovenia
Kofukan Portugal

Useful Links

Resources for Webmasters

Email us directly We need your help

We are looking for enthusiastic Kofukan members to help us maintain this resource. If you find a website or a club that is not listed here then please email us the link and any info.